Small-Town Elitist

February 2, 2009

Alaska Native villages need assistance during colder than usual winter.

Filed under: Alaska Families,Alaska Native Issues,Alaska Women,Poverty,Take Action — by smalltownelitist @ 4:21 am

Hi everybody, here’s a heads-up for everyone who enjoys digging in and making a difference.

Alaska Native villages are really struggling to get by during this colder than usual winter, and can use your help.

If you visit the link I’ve included, you can get info on how and where you can send food, baby formula, nappies, etc. to be distributed to the village families.

You can request packets of flat-rate Priority Mail boxes from the U.S. Postal Service that can be mailed to your place. You can fill them with up to 20 lbs of supplies and food, and they mail for just under 13 dollars per box. It takes about 3 days for the boxes to reach their destination with Priority Mail. The link I’ve provided can help put you in touch with village community organizers who can tell you what is needed by the families.

I am broke myself right now, but I’m trying to sell of some of my crafts to come up with the cash to undertake some food mailing of my own. Wish me luck! 🙂

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