Small-Town Elitist

April 9, 2009

Ok, so I’m a disorganized jumble of thoughts at the moment…

And that’s perfectly fine I suppose; I don’t have a lengthy original expository post planned just yet.

I’ve been away from blogging for about two months, as you can see. Life has gotten busier, and though I am settling into a routine, I’m not sure where blogging fits in just yet (and I really ought to find it a place).

Mostly I’ve been caught up with four pets, two of which are special needs pooches; planning a backyard tent “studio” to have a peaceful and private place to get through my jewelry making workload, planning a garden to add to the atmosphere of my “studio,” and preparing for my jewelry’s big boutique debut, coming in the summer. 🙂

The other thing I wanted to write about is to let you all know (if you don’t read Crooks and Liars) to check out the chat that C & L did with Congressman Barney Frank.

Unfortunately there wasn’t time for Congressman Frank to answer my question about predatory payday loans and a potential interest rate hike, but that’s understandable; Congressman Frank was very gracious and answered as many questions as he could, and I believe everyone could benefit from reading the answers he was able to get to.

And kudos to C & L for hosting the chat! 🙂

The other th

February 3, 2009

Are Neo-Confederates to blame for Republican obstructionism?

Ah, it’s time for another collection of linkage. Enjoy!

A writer suggestions that people who don’t realize that the CSA lost the Civil War are to blame for Republican obstructionism. I’m not totally sure what to think, so I’ll leave you to your own conclusions! h/t to Crooks and Liars commenters.

HuffPo reports that Congressman Barney Frank has ordered the banking CEOs that were bailed out to testify before Congress and get a good yelling at.

This Yahoo article explains the different kinds of jobs that can be created by President Obama’s stimulus package. Once again, h/t to Crooks and Liars commenters. 🙂

From Crooks and Liars, a report on Michelle Bernard suggesting that women shouldn’t worry about pay equity.

Check out Project Censored’s Top Censored Stories of 2009. Brought to you by the rocking commenters at C & L! 😉

Womanist Musings has a post on a transgendered woman who was discriminated against by a nightclub based on her transgendered status.

Good on a judge! Abyss2hope writes about a judge who was uninterested in rapist’s excuse that his crime “was not that bad.”

Season of the Bitch shares thoughts on what roles liberal and progressive bloggers should play in cleaning up the mess our country is in.

There can never be enough snark when it comes to Dick Armey’s dickish comment to Joan Walsh on Hardball the other day. Feministe provides us with more snark, plus the actual video of Armey making a dick-sgrace of himself.

From RH Reality Check, women’s health advocacy groups react to the Obama Administration caving on contraception in the stimulus package.

MOMocrats write about why the Republicans are freaking out over labor secretary nominee Hilda Solis.

And last, but not least, Natalia Antonova deconstructions the comments being made about Ali Campoverdi, former pinup model turned White House employee by so-called progressives.

That’s it for now, no craftiness until tomorrow, when I will be doing an entire post on why I choose to get crafty! 🙂

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