Small-Town Elitist

October 20, 2009

Good on you Arianna: When the MSM is a pain in the proverbial tuchus.

Filed under: Afghan War,Arianna Huffington,Ed Schultz,Media Criticism,Punditry,Reality TV Trash,WTF — by smalltownelitist @ 10:08 pm

Unless your current residence is a cave in the middle of nowhere, you’ve probably been subjected to heard about the current firestorm occupying the thoughts of the MSM right now.

I am, of course, talking about Balloon Boy.

Now, I am not going to get into the subject of Balloon Boy very much actually. However, the day this story broke, I was watching The Ed Show as usual. Don’t get me wrong, I was very relieved that little Falcon was safe and sound. That should have been the end of it, at least for programs that do their best work reporting on hard news. But noooo….I was very irritated when Ed Schultz devoted the first 15 minutes of his show to the Balloon Boy saga.

Ed kept pestering Arianna Huffington for comment, but she wasn’t having any of it. See for yourself:

Thank you Arianna. As much as I like Schultz, this was well deserved by him. We are in the literal life and death struggle over health insurance reform, we have the war in Afghanistan to worry about, unemployment is high, etc., so Ed, get to the meaty stuff, the important stuff! No infotainment please. Ed does a great job I feel of presenting the issues, and he should stick to that and not fall for the latest distraction. The people who are in desprate need of these reforms cannot wait around while journalists chase after the next Anna Nicole, or Octomom, Balloon Boy, or Jon and Kate + 8!

Please Ed, stay focused on the fight ahead. That’s all we ask. In the meantime, I’m sorry, but I have to file this post in part under the closest thing I have to your Psycho Talk segment, my WTF category.

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